Mindful Communication; 4 Sessions Online Course


Practitioners of mindfulness know from experience that practising mindfulness brings many benefits. Everything we experience is through our mind, and mindfulness, therefore, can potentially change or enhance anything and everything. Our communication is also at the heart of everything we do. How we talk, listen and write, is so important to our interaction, our relationships, our effectiveness, and our well-being.

So, why not apply mindfulness to your communication?! If you do, you will:

– communicate more effectively
– be more mindful
– build connection and positive relationships with others
– more easily create answers to questions and solutions to problems
– be more able to deal with difficult conversations in challenging situations

You will begin to see benefits in all your conversations. Maybe, however, there is a group or situation where communication could be improved by better listening and more mindful speech – maybe a team at work, a project or community group, or a personal or family relationship. We think we can help.

Mindful Communication is a short online course hosted by Mindfulness Hrvatska. This interactive, practical course introduces you to communicating more mindfully.

There are four x 2.5-hour sessions:

The course explores how our existing mindfulness skills enhance our communication, as well as introducing new skills, tools or techniques. A prerequisite is, therefore, to have some experience of mindfulness. If you do not, but still wish to participate, let us know; we may be able to help.

The course is taught in English by Dr David McMurtry. David has practiced and studied meditation for many years. He is a co-founder of the MSc in Studies in Mindfulness at the University of Aberdeen and was the Programme Director. He has taught mindfulness in Zagreb since 2016, where he now lives. He is also a co-founder and Past President of Mindfulness Hrvatska. David has successfully taught mindfulness in an academic environment, including at both Masters and Doctoral levels, and also in the community, accredited by the UK Mindfulness Association.

The course fee is €180 /1356,21 kn*.
*15% discount available for everyone who completed our 8-week Mindfulness Based Living Course (Tečaj mindfulnessa za svakodnevni život) or Level 1 Being Present with Mindfulness Hrvatska.
1€ = 7,53450 kn

This fee includes:

– 4 sessions and 10 hours of live teaching
– written material (PDF) for each session
– weekly follow-up communication practices and activities
– online and email tutor support
– course completion certificate

As the course is practical, we meet online every second week to give you time to apply your developing mindful communication skills in your real-time conversations.

The course meets online (Zoom) from 18:45-21:15 on the following dates:

Session 1: Sunday 06 November, 18:45-21:15

Session 2: Tuesday 15 November, 18:45-21:15

Session 3: Tuesday 29 November, 18:45-21:15

Session 4: Tuesday 13 December, 18:45-21:15.

To register for Mindful Communication, complete our online registration form or email [email protected] Please contact us if you have questions or require more information.


Nov 06 2022 - Dec 13 2022


18:45 - 21:15

