“Being Present” certified Mindfulness Course – online (Level 1) 2023

BEING PRESENT is a comprehensive introduction to mindfulness. Through participating you will gain an in-depth understanding of mindfulness and meditation, and have the opportunity to develop a personal, regular and effective mindfulness practice. BEING PRESENT is also the first step in our MINDFULNESS TEACHER TRAINING PATHWAY.
. It is suitable for all interested participants.

Being Present ONLINE dates and times:
FRIDAY – 18:00-21:00
SATURDAY – 09:30-14:00
SUNDAY – 09:30-14:00

Module 1 20.- 22.01. 2023.
Module 2 03.- 05.02. 2023.
Module 3 17.- 19.02. 2023.
Module 4 10.- 12.03. 2023.

Each module weekend is tutor-led and interactive. Each module involves:
– Short tutor talks followed by whole group discussions
– Tutor-led group mindfulness practices
– Group discussions and opportunities to raise questions
The course is taught in English with translation into Croatian as necessary. Course materials are in English.

As a participant on BEING PRESENT you will:
– learn how to practice mindfulness meditation
– explore the thinking and theory behind practices
– learn about the mind, drawing upon neuroscience, psychology and wisdom traditions
– gain insight into your own mind – habits of thinking and patterns of behaviour.

Research shows that mindfulness works and how.

Commonly reported benefits of practicing mindfulness and meditation include:

– improved physical health, such as an impact upon blood pressure and heart rate
– reduced mental health problems
– more positive mood and feelings of empathy and connectedness
– improvements in sleep
– more self-care and self-compassion
– the cultivation of kindness and empathy for others
– less distraction and improved effectiveness and efficiency
– improved skills of self-regulation – ability to pay attention, to be less reactive, to manage emotions
– reduced job-related stress
– improved relationships
– greater self-knowledge

Module 1: Start Where You Are
Mindfulness is defined as paying attention to our moment-by-moment experience in a way that is non-judgmental and kind. In module 1 we learn the core mindfulness practice of settling, grounding, resting and mindfulness support. We also practice bodyscan and simple practices for integrating mindfulness into daily life. We simultaneously work on developing kindness as a basis for self-compassion.

Module 2: Working With Distraction
In module 2 we look at mindfulness and distraction and begin to see how distraction reveals an inner world of habitual patterning that ensnares our energies. We also begin to recognise attitudes of preference – like and dislike – and see how they narrow and contract our awareness, imprisoning us. In this context we learn to be able to see the difference between habitual reactions driven by conditioning and informed choices based on intelligent discernment.

Module 3: Self-Acceptance
Part of mindfulness practice is learning to work with strong emotions that arise and developing the capacity to ‘hold’ difficult experiences within body and mind. In module 3, through training in acceptance, we learn to acknowledge and come to terms with difficult thoughts and emotions by paying them close attention with a kind and inclusive attitude.

Module 4: Undercurrent and Observer
During module 4 we bring together all the themes from the previous three modules and help participants set up an ongoing mindfulness practice for going forward in their lives. At this point we explore the model of ‘undercurrent and observer’ as a way of mapping out the inner landscape of our mind.

Each of the 4 online modules costs €180 / 1356,21 kn.
The whole online course fee (€720/5424,84kn) can be paid in up to 4 instalments or in one payment.
1€ = 7,53450 kn

Course includes:
– 4 modules and 40 hours of live teaching, including short talks, discussions, activities, sharing, and group mindfulness practice
– A handbook/manual for each module
– Downloadable audio recordings of tutor-led mindfulness practices
– Home/personal mindfulness practices and activities
– Online and email tutor support
– Course completion certificate

Your tutors for Being Present, both in-person and online, are both qualified and experienced teachers of mindfulness.

David McMurtry
Dr. David McMurtry has practiced and studied meditation for many years. He is a co-founder of the MSc in Studies in Mindfulness at the University of Aberdeen and has taught mindfulness in Zagreb since 2016. He is also a co-founder and Past President of Mindfulness Hrvatska. David has successfully taught mindfulness in an academic environment, including at both Masters and Doctoral levels, and also in the community, accredited by the UK Mindfulness Association.

Helena Cuculić
Helena Cuculić is a certified and experienced mindfulness teacher accredited by the UK Mindfulness Association and a yoga instructor. Helena explores practices of mindfulness and yoga with special interest in the psychological benefits of these practices, as well as benefits of an integrative approach to overall quality of life, from childhood onwards. Helena is the President of Mindfulness Hrvatska.

After completing Being Present participants may choose to
– join our Level 2 mindfulness course RESPONDING WITH COMPASSION and/or
– join our TEACHING SKILLS pathway, and train to teach mindfulness

Previous participants have said:
“The course was very valuable to me because it was exactly what I needed in life and it was great knowing I was at the right place doing something I and people around me will benefit from”.

“I thought about what I learned, I did different meditations often, I tried to incorporate it into my life, I basically started living Mindfulness. …I felt a sense of belonging to a group of like-minded people and I love being a part of the Mindfulness community”.

“I really enjoyed being a part of this group of people… you really did a great job facilitating the course throughout the year“

To ask a question or to register for BEING PRESENT, email [email protected]

We hope you will join BEING PRESENT and we look forward to hearing from you soon!


Jan 20 2023 - Mar 12 2023


18:00 - 14:00

